PE and active play are critical to a healthy lifestyle and complete education. Play helps kids focus and teaches coordination and balance. Consistent activity also creates life-long healthy habits, contributes to the recommended… daily hour of activity for children, and is proven to boost academic achievement.

Research shows that structured play in PE classes leads to healthy habits, provides a break from technology, increases focus and creates hands-on opportunities to use and strengthen students’ social and emotional learning (SEL) skills.
BEF partnered with the Nike Community Impact Fund, the district and community donors to fill gaps in dwindling PE supplies at many of our schools through the Geared Up for PE campaign.
In its second phase, funds from the Geared Up for PE campaign ensured that each of our 34 elementary schools have complete sets of hula hoops, scooters and multi-functional cones give our students a fun and active PE experience.

Students at Errol Hassell Elementary are building muscular strength and endurance thanks to their school’s Beaverton’s Choice project, Climbing to the Challenge. Prior to PE Teacher Brent Van Vokinburg’s project, the school’s climbing ropes and cargo net were unusable due to safely issues, but now students will enjoy climbing experiences for years.
Each academic year, BEF mobilizes community resources and strives to fund classroom projects at all 54 Beaverton public schools and to impact every student’s education through our after school and summer cornerstone programs. Funds donated pay for programs and projects not mandated or funded by the state, but ones parents and dedicated educators consider necessary for a quality education.
See how donors like you have made a difference throughout the district.