As a core academic subject, the Arts bring intrinsic value to a well-rounded education, providing opportunities for expression and a creative space to build problem-solving skills. In STEAM-focused curriculum, the arts lead to… increased overall academic achievement, creativity, and positive self-worth during school and beyond.

The Beaverton Education Foundation fully supports Art and Music education, a critical component to STEAM-focused curriculum, and the role it plays in our students’ long-term success.

BEF is honored to support the Beaverton Band Together program, to expand musical opportunities for students in Beaverton public schools. This initiative helps students participate in band regardless of their family’s ability to purchase or rent an instrument.
For the second year, BEF supported Middle School Band Camp with 177 students from throughout the district in attendance. Thanks to BEF’s generous donor, the Juan Young Trust, scholarships were awarded to 50 students and the remaining registrations were offered at a subsidized rate.
Kinnaman Elementary began the year building a strong foundation for a healthy music program, with new high-quality, beautiful sounding percussion instruments made possible through their Beaverton’s Choice project, We Want the Beat. The new instruments expanded their collection, allowing many students their first opportunity to learn and play music at the same time as their peers.

This spring Kinnaman further expanded their music department with a second Beaverton’s Choice project, Music Moves Us, using funds to repair and purchase ukuleles, glockenspiels, flexatones, kokorikos, wind chimes and hand drums.
“Before we received funding, I was unable to teach a significant portion of my chosen content,” said Carolynn Langston, music teacher at Kinnaman Elementary. “Now we are able to use our equipment to develop skills, find joy and share in community. We’ve also been able to bring instruments to our school-wide assemblies so students can perform for each other.”
After learning about Surrealist devices from artists ranging from Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte, visual arts students from the International School of Beaverton were able to create their own original art with new art supplies made possible through their Beaverton’s Choice project, Celebrate Surrealism with ISB.
Students were able to think about contrast and symbolism in a playful, whimsical way as they generated an inspirational mood board and practiced skills that were showcased in the end-of-year gallery.

Bigger Than Hip Hop, made possible by Kids Count Grant funding, is a special program offered at the end of the school day. Featuring a series of workshops and mentorships, students attended classes in hip hop-related arts — DJing, fashion design, graffiti, dance, lyrics and beat production — taught by local artists of color. New sessions began every few weeks, providing students several opportunities to try new things, and culminated in a multi-disciplinary show highlighting the students’ artistic accomplishments.
Each academic year, BEF mobilizes community resources and strives to fund classroom projects at all 54 Beaverton public schools and to impact every student’s education through our after school and summer cornerstone programs. Funds donated pay for programs and projects not mandated or funded by the state, but ones parents and dedicated educators consider necessary for a quality education.
See how donors like you have made a difference throughout the district.