After School programs take on various forms, from athletic to academic, but they all have one thing in common: opportunity. These after school programs provide incredible options for students in elementary through high school… to gain valuable skills and build on their classroom learning.

BEF has supported after school programs in Beaverton schools for more than a decade. The Safe and Sound 4 Student Success Program (S4) began as an informal soccer club at one middle school, focused on students who were struggling to stay in class. Utilizing BEF’s district-wide connections and established resources, we’ve successfully grown the program to serve more students and schools. Adding consistent academic expectations and a robust evaluation process, we were also able to implement the most successful elements across all schools and secure sustainable program funding.
“Students gain a sense of belonging to our school through S4, and student leaders develop on the field,” said Kelly Smith, Highland Park Middle School’s school psychologist and soccer coach. “For many students, if not most, it’s their only chance to play a sport on a team. Being in our soccer club is truly an identity that connects kids to Highland Park.”
The program’s positive results are most obvious in increased school attendance, fewer disciplinary incidents and greater community involvement. S4 leaders continued their work during virtual and hybrid learning, despite pandemic conditions. One student at Five Oaks Middle School said, “I look forward to the club all week long, and it encourages me to attend school so I can take part in it.”
Building upon S4’s success, Westview and Sunset High Schools launched their own after school programs. Westview’s program, Watch Me Fly, uses both teachers and student mentors as tutors and serves the entire spectrum of Westview’s student population. The student-to-tutor ratio is dramatically smaller than in regular classes, while building strong relationships with tutors, teachers and other students.
“Our students need more than our regular study hall,” says Benjamin Prange, Westview’s activities director who oversees the program. “Watch Me Fly offers them personalized attention and additional time to tackle subjects they struggle with. And we hold them accountable along the way. We encourage them to focus their questions and dig into specific areas they want to improve, whether it’s math, science or writing.”
The Chehalem Elementary School Tutoring Program provided valuable opportunities for academic growth, while giving students additional access to positive peers and mentors. The program’s approach has proven to shrink the achievement gap between the most vulnerable students and their higher achieving classmates. Other benefits include improved attendance, increased classroom engagement and decreased disciplinary action.

Each academic year, BEF mobilizes community resources and strives to fund classroom projects at all 54 Beaverton public schools and to impact every student’s education through our after school and summer cornerstone programs. Funds donated pay for programs and projects not mandated or funded by the state, but ones parents and dedicated educators consider necessary for a quality education.
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